Become a member
On this page you have access to a membership form.
Click here to open the form
Membership costs £6 per person per year.
For that you can enjoy as many walks as you wish. You will receive a regular email to keep you up to date with the walks programme.
You will also have access to our trips, holidays, and social events.
The membership form is a .pdf file that you can download, then print
and fill in. When completed, please send the form to the Membership
secretary: details are given on the form.
Alternatively you may write a letter or email which includes all the
necessary information: name, address, telephone number, e-mail
address. On receipt of your membership application, you will receive
an acknowledgement with information about the club's bank details.
This allows you to pay by bank transfer (our preferred payment method)
which helps reduce the club's banking costs.
Or you can try our new
pop-up on-line
Membership Application Form
or simple fill-in on-line
Membership Form.
We look forward to meeting you.
The Membership Secretary,
Caerffili and District Ramblers,
60 Half Acre Court,
Caerphilly CF83 3SU